What is streaming media?
What is multimedia?
Multimedia (Lat. Multum + Medium) is media that uses multiple forms of information content and information processing (e.g. text, audio, graphics, animation, video, interactivity) to inform or entertain the (user) audience. N.B radio and television are not multimedia.
Streaming MP3 Player is a module that let users plays music audio with the format MPEG-1 audio layer 3. MPEG-1 defines a group of Audio and Video (AV) coding and compression standards agreed upon by MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group).
What can I do with the MP3 Player?
We are putting the first online brick in the foundation of the museum of Compas Direct. We have a lot of work in front of us to store 50 years of music, culture and souvenirs. With the MP3 player you can create a list of the sounds you want to hear and play them any time anywhere. We have a few bands online now: Les Freres Dejean, Super Soline, Djet X, Daan Junior, Cocad, Frederic Francois, Mike Brant but by the time you read this document we will have more groups.
Follow the instruction below to start using the "Streaming MP3 Player"
1) Lascahobas Info Has many sections but in term of position we can idendify the streaming MP3 Player with this picture on the right.
2) The MP3 Player has a few buttons to perform the different functions such:
- The plus + in the bottom of the MP3 Player to Load an Album or a CD. In our implementation you will only see the name of the bands or the artists
- The grey minus - in the bottom to remove all songs in the play list.
- The blue minus - the bottom to remove a selected song in the play list
- Above the play list is a sliding volume.
- Above the volume from left to right the buttons are: Previous,Play, Stop, Pause, Next.
3) First click the plus sign in the bottom you will see The picture with the Laod Albums label. Click the Title you want and the list of songs for that particular title will display in the play list. Click the X on the upper right corner of the Load Albums. Select the first song and click the play button to start the experiment.
NB You can create a list of the music of you choice by loading the title one after the other and use the blue - to remove
song you did not want in the play list.